About Doula Support
DOULA (doo-lah): trained labor and birth companion
Doula support: Non-medical support during pregnancy, birth, and early postpartum, including: information/resources; physical and emotional comfort during labor; and practical assistance with early infant care and feeding
Benefits of doula support:
LESS likely to undergo cesarean section
LESS likely to receive synthetic oxytocin
LESS likely to use pain medication, such as epidural
LESS likely to view birth negatively
MORE likely to experience spontaneous vaginal birth
Women who receive doula support generally experience:
Shorter labors​
Fewer interventions during labor and birth

About the Doula
Taylor Kriseldi, LMSW, CD(DONA)
I am a certified birth doula and the founder of Genesis Birth. Encouraged and inspired by new beginnings, I am here to walk with you through all the ups and downs of pregnancy and birth. I would be honored to be part of your new beginning.

My Story
After receiving my B.A. in International Studies, I worked with a nonprofit assisting international students and their families within the Auburn University community. Part of this work included helping create community for spouses and children of international students, and I became part of a community of international women as they experienced pregnancy and birth. I learned a great deal about the experiences of international families and women in Alabama, and I desired to gain more expertise in how to address these specific needs.
This led me to pursue my Master of Social Work (MSW) at Auburn University, which provided skills and expertise in providing practical support to growing families in Alabama. This included interning at a maternity care agency, providing maternity case management services and resources to Montgomery families, where I discovered the need for birth doulas in Alabama. I became trained as a doula in February 2021, and I am thrilled to continue providing support to Alabama families through this essential service.
I can offer culturally-sensitive support as a doula. My undergraduate and ministry background exposed me to many cultures around the world, and I have worked directly with international women and families in many settings, including as a doula. There are many international families in the Huntsville/Madison area, and you deserve to be supported during childbirth, especially if you find yourself in an unfamiliar country without family close by.
Whether you are a local expectant parent, or a family here from across the globe, I would be honored to be part of your childbearing journey here in North Alabama.
“There is such a special sweetness in being able to participate in creation."
—Pamela S. Nadav
Reach out so we can connect - we can schedule a free virtual consult or chat at your favorite local spot!
Taylor Kriseldi